
The Right to Belong project develops evidence-based tools and interventions in cooperation with children and young people. Other partners include different organizations and networks, authorities and decision-makers. In addition, the work of the project is supported by four advisory boards: scientific, policy, youth’s and children’s advisory boards.


Parliamentary working group on decreasing loneliness and ostracism, Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of the Interior, Education and Culture Committee, Finnish National Agency for Education, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Regional State Administrative Agency (AVI), National Child Strategy preparatory group, Ombudsman for Equality, Association of Finnish Municipalities, Finnish Red Cross, Central Union for Child Welfare, Parent Association, MIELI Mental Health Finland, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, The Finnish Central Association for Mental Health, Lähde Network, HelsinkiMissio: School to Belong and Aggredi, Fountain Park, Family Rehabilitation Centre Lauste, Child Welfare Organisations of Southwest FinlandMusic Against Drugs association, Skene association, LNK – The Finnish Association for Children and Youth, TYKS Children’s Clinic, University of Tampere, the City of Naantali, and the City of Helsinki.


Interested in collaboration? Contact us!

Miia Laasanen Interaction coordinator
Research Manager, Sote-akatemia, University of Turku